Saturday, June 13, 2015

Not Knowing Your Future Really is OKAY

Life goals right here, folks.

Don't Listen to the Adults Nagging You About What You Intend to do With Your Life

Seriously, don't. Don't even think about worrying, panicking, or stressing over what your exact career will be when you're 20 years or younger. Unless you know your calling and know 100000% that it is what you have to do with your life or you will die, do not even worry about your future. Like I did. All of my freshman year. Bringing me to tears, late night panic sessions in which I had to be consoled by my roommate in order to calm down, and endless nights over-analyzing my entire life choices. Where does any of this really get you? A one-way ticket to your friendly, neighborhood... wait for it... campus psychological services area. All joking aside, this is a great resource to get your worries under control so you can be a healthier you. Also extremely helpful is your campus's career services team. I highly recommend using these resources fairly regularly if you are in doubt about your future. 

Another reason you should not over-stress your future is that you cannot control, nor change, what will happen to you in the future; all you can do is try to be as prepared as possible for it and don't let anything stand in your way. 

Furthermore, you should also be a college kid. You most certainly deserve it and you have more than earned your place in the ranks. Therefore, I say enjoy it. This is the only time in your life where you can wake up in your pj's, go to the dining hall to get food at 1 pm on a Saturday and still get an omelet, spend countless nights hanging out with all of your new friends, stay up as late as you want without parents telling you what you may and may not do, and go to Starbucks to get coffee AND study.

Why yes, Janice. Yes, I did. I went to that frat party the other night with my girls and danced to the latest pop music sometimes with complete strangers too. Minus the alcohol. I can actually say that. I am living. I am experiencing things. I am living college life. I am breathing it too (more like hyperventilating it, but that is beside the point). I do worry about my grades because I have set a standard for myself and I want to get the grades that I think are achievable; however, I refuse to base these grades on my chances of getting a job someday because I promise you no employer is going to care whether you got an A in your favorite Country Music class or not. Nor will they particularly care that you got a 3.9999 GPA upon graduation. Great job, but what else did you do in college? 

Guys. Get a job through the university or at your favorite retail store. Go volunteer. Run a 5k if that is your thing. Join an intramural or club sport. Write pieces to be featured in your campus's newspaper. Join a club and run for an office. Whatever you do, do it now before you think too much about it.  Do something you have never done before. Or you will regret it.

But don't forget to kick back and relax once in a while too. Breaks are essential to one's sanity. Believe me. Netflix, ice cream, and snuggling in all of your blankets is perfectly fine. Don't feel obligated to go to every frat party, hang out, or date. Sometimes relaxing and being by yourself is all you need.

For the final and essential note though, planning every inch of your life in one day will not guarantee that any of that will happen. Set goals for yourself, yes. Just try not to plan everything out right now. 

Think about the wise words of John Mellencamp:
"Changes come around real soon, make us women and men."
       --- "Jack and Diane"

So let us enjoy this odd period of pre-adulthood, post-childhood (but desperately still holding on for dear life to being that child) life that college promises. And ignore, tolerate, and accept the nagging and interrogative questions involving what you plan to do in the future or with your life. You will figure it out along the way. You will struggle. You will accomplish greatness in the meantime as long as you work hard. You will more than likely find it when you least expect it. And you will be okay in the end.

This is only a part of life. It is inevitable. So why worry?

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