Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I Am a Self-proclaimed Hippie

Why Not Be One?

 Why not be a hippie? Why not desire to experience and love complete and utter peace within one's self. Why not want peace for the world? Why not want the freedom to be able to love freely and choose your own destiny for yourself? Why not want freedom?

These are the questions that push me to live each and every day without regrets. Without being sorry for living. Without being sorry for being exactly who I am. And being proud of that. 

I have been called a "hippie" by friends, family, and colleagues. I always thought it was interesting. However, they always associated this term with my passions and my love of tie-dye, the Beatles, looking natural, and wavy hair. What? That automatically makes me a hippie. Okay. 

Now, I attribute the term to myself as one of great importance to my identity. And I understand the association with the word more deeply.

A song in particular speaks to me very intensely. Please, take the time to listen to it now. John Lennon's voice and soul is also beautiful. That should be incentive enough.

One can dream, yes they can. Lennon's song "Imagine" is equally beautiful and sad. It puts my thoughts and feelings into words more eloquently than I could ever produce. What an unattainable hope for mankind. Alas, I find this hope for widespread peace to be unattainable even in my personal life, struggles, and affairs. I only hope that one day I may truly be free and free enough to be able to live the life I have always dreamed. I am a hippie. I want freedom. I want women and men alike to be able to be who they are and not feel shame for themselves in any way whatsoever. I want people to live. I want to live. 

Furthermore, just because I am a hippie, does not mean that I live the life that the 1960's hippies of America lived. Though that is not truly anybody's business, except my own. Moreover, I want to endorse the beliefs that the '60s made so popular and so desirable. I want peace. Peace all over. I want free, but safe and healthy, love. I want love to be free. I want peace to be free for all, without costs, exceptions, or sacrifices.

Now, please tell me exactly what is wrong with that. I'm begging you. 

In addition to the odd stigmas associated with being a hippie, I do not partake in the stereotypical dress, behavior, and guitar-playing that is blatantly depicted via searching "hippie" on Google. 


Too comical, I know. But I just could not resist this image in particular. Because after all, all you need is love.
And The Beatles. You cannot forget The Beatles. 

Cover photo

Being a hippie is a great thing. Something that I am very proud of because it is a part of me, what I value, and who I am. It is a fantastic representation of myself. It is also fun to say. Go ahead and let it roll right off of your tongue. But most importantly, it tells others that truly try to understand me know that I am proud of myself. That I genuinely love myself. That I am at peace with myself and the life that I have been given. And whatever happens to me, I just have to make an effort to enjoy it and make the most of it.

Peace and love y'all. 

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