Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why You Need to Travel Somewhere, Anywhere NOW

NC Blue Ridge Parkway, May 25, 2015

You Need to Travel Now

And here is the first-hand experience as to why.

As most people know about me now, I am single. Ever since I have been single, I have been able to spend precious, much-needed, quality time with my loving parents and I am ever so grateful. I realize more with the passing days and even years that I will not have them forever. Therefore, now is the perfect time to be able to live life with them for as long as I can. That is exactly what I did with them this past weekend when my immediate family and I went to the beautiful NC mountains. I had never been to the NC mountains before, and the trip truly moved me. I was able to enjoy so many different aspects of the mountains, from the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Asheville to seeing Mt. Mitchell while driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but especially enjoy the quality time that I spent with my mom and dad. It even brought them a bit closer and I know that even though my relationship with them can be a bit strained at times, moments like these are treasured and can bring people closer than ever before. 

Seriously though, go travel. NOW! You will not regret it; you will only regret not going and not having some of the best times of your life. It does not matter who goes, how many people go with you, or if you simply go by yourself, but just go. NOW! Before you think about it too much. You never know what will happen or how these experiences could change you. Do it! Yes, I am totally peer pressuring you because you need it. Also, you need and deserve a break. Heck, I know I certainly did and I honestly wish I could go back and do it all over again because that is how amazing it truly was. Of course I experienced some downs during the trip, but those low points brought my family closer together and we were able to enjoy everything that much more afterward. Sometimes family vacations can get stressful and we can test each other until the wrong buttons are pushed, but it can result in effective team-building skills, like ours did. Like I said, you never know, so now is the time to find out and explore and go on your next big adventure, no matter how small it actually might be. You could even try a staycation if you are strapped on cash, or create a budget to prevent being the ultimate exploited tourist. Either way, you have got to travel. Go now, before it is too late!

Anyway, let me tell you about my trip to the NC Mountains:
  •  My parents and I took off in the late morning and traveled for over four hours to the glorious mountain city of Asheville, NC. We reached our hotel around 4 p.m. and I had already been freaking out about the mountains that seemed to be surrounding me everywhere I looked. I took a thousand pictures like I always do, and of course I will include one below to illustrate exactly how excited I was. The following day my parents and I would tour the famous Biltmore Estate for what would be their second time and my first. Needless to say, I was tired, but overwhelmed with how gorgeous the landscape in front of me truly was. Oh, and did I mentioned I was overly excited? Our night was fairly relaxed after that, as we were unpacking and lounged at the pool for a bit. The hotel was nice and accommodating too!
    Ramada Hotel, Asheville, NC
  • I woke up at 6 a.m. for this adventure and oh my goodness it was worth it. After a wrong turn and some superb navigational skills via yours truly, my parents and I arrived at the Biltmore Estate around 8:45 a.m. Breathtaking, flabbergasted, astonished. None of these terms do my reaction to "America's largest home" any justice because what a site that property was to see! The sheer size was outstanding enough, but the attention to detail, the craftsmanship, and the finesse of it all was incredible and unbelievable. Nothing on that property was left unkempt and every piece of the house's original items has been well preserved and kept beautiful. It is hard to believe that people genuinely lived like that in early 20th century America, for they even had indoor bathrooms and an indoor, heated swimming pool. Whaaaaaat? Too cool, I know. Even better was the exhibit they had with the house, in addition to all the other remarkable things to see; they featured clothing replicas seen in the clever TV show Downton Abbey and were put on display in each of the house's many extravagant rooms. After we toured the house, my dad and I explored the estate's garden areas, though we were not able to explore them all because we would never have had enough time to explore them all. We got lost for a bit, but eventually wound up at a gorgeous waterfall on the property. After avoiding what appeared to me to be a potential rattlesnake under a spot of leaves on a woodland trail, my dad and I made it back to house. We met up with my mom and then we all drove to the Winery so my parents could participate in the complimentary wine taste testing that was included in our tickets. They enjoyed themselves and it was after this that our day at Biltmore came to a close. Finally, I ended the day with a Jacuzzi bath and Kung Fu Panda. I am telling you, this is the life!
Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC
  • It was check-out day that day. We started our day early enough and got our complimentary breakfast before we headed out. This day was completely unplanned until that morning and sometimes it is what you do not plan that makes a good trip, great. First, my family and I traveled from Asheville to Chimney Rock, NC. Chimney Rock is a tourist trap for sure, but it was totally worth it for my family and I. We took many pictures, checked out the local shops there, bought drinks and specialty popcorn, but what originally drew us to this gorgeous town was something we found off of one of the brochures at the hotel in which we stayed. Yes, we went gem mining below a gem shop! We were all able to be little kids again and I was able to find a huge piece of an amethyst geode, which just happens to be my birthstone. Score! Afterward, we explored a river near the gem mining area. Everywhere we looked we saw nature in all its glory. 
  • The day was not over yet though, so we made a unanimous decision to drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a while. Before reaching the parkway, however, we stopped at an older couple's house to take pictures with Sam: the "Original Carolina Hilbilly." Yes, I met a genuine, authentic mountain hillbilly y'all!! Back on track now, we had no clue that what we thought would be an hour or two drive would turn into the most amazing experience I have ever had up to that date.We first found the visitor center and found a worker that explained to us a route to get back to the highway we needed to reach in order to get home. We could have taken the interstate to get back home originally, but we wanted the scenic route. Gosh were we unprepared. While driving, we saw mountain after mountain; winding after winding of the roads we traveled, and each time I was more mesmerized than that last. The crisp mountain air rushed against me as the winds steadily picked up the higher the elevations got. It felt as if the very air was piercing my insides with an intensity that flooded my mind and body in the most unusual, yet cleansing way. Every time I stepped out of the car to take pictures of each new valley, lane, glen, falls, and mountain, each sight deeply touched me and I was filled with so many different emotions. Happy, overwhelmed, awestruck. I was at peace and could not believe my eyes. God knew what He was doing. That is one thing I know for sure. Nature has a way of speaking to us, but we just have to listen. I have never almost been brought to tears by nature before, but I felt something at that moment when I saw the picture below that I cannot effectively explain. Awesome does not even begin to describe this experience. 
  • After an hour into driving, we reached the area we were aiming for to get back to the highway, but we first stopped at Mt. Mitchell. Elevation: 6,684 ft. We were in a cloud at that point! After reaching Mt. Mitchell, we were all exhausted, so then it was time to eat at the restaurant there. The BEST homemade tuna salad sandwich I have ever had, by the way. Unfortunately, time was running out at that point, so we had to leave the mountains and find our way back to some sort of civilization. After many terrifying twists and turns of the roads to get us back down the mountains, we reached a highway and got home around 2 a.m. the next morning. Needless to say, we all got an amazing night's sleep. Now I just cannot wait to go back and explore it all over again.
Chimney Rock, NC
This is the place in which I truly felt God's presence. This sight, part of the Blue Ridge Parkway, touched me like nothing else in this world has ever done before. I was almost brought to tears by this breathtaking view. Never will I ever forget this small, yet life-changing adventure that I was lucky enough to share with the two people that mean the absolute world to me. 
I never knew what to expect before this trip happened. I honestly was not overly excited about traveling like I was when I was smaller, had a bigger imagination, and loved to go places with my parents. I got comfortable in my monotonous, small town life over the years. Ever since I have gone to college and lived in a whole new place without my parents as a safety net, my eyes have opened and I want to go places and learn everything I can with the time I am given. That is why I am so grateful for my parents and everything that they have done for me. Spending time with them like this has been so wonderful and I am using this precious time with them wisely. I am living. I am doing what I can to fulfill a great desire I have. I want to explore the world. If I cannot wholly do so until later in my life, exploring my home state will more than suffice for now. But the important thing is, I am not just talking about it... I am doing it. 

So now, it is your turn. 
Your chance to do some different.
Your life to live now.
Your adventure awaits.
Use your time wisely, for life is too short.
Go wherever, whenever. 
But please, just GO!

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